
Stand in the Place Where You Are: Meet Less, Get More Out of It

No one likes meetings; and, that includes lawyers who manage other attorneys, or staff .  I hear about it all the time: too many meetings, too much wasted time.     Well, there are at least a couple of ways that law firms can reduce meetings and meeting time.     The first is to lean into technology, to reduce the need for certain meetings .  If you can delegate work effectively , and add workflows to softwares , you won’t need to hold as many status meetings (or, you may be able to eliminate them entirely) – because, you will always have a window into upcoming , completed and overdue tasks, via dashboards visible across a number of task management software s .  Do it right . . . and, you’ll never have to host a case review meeting ever again.   The second thing you can do is to change the kind of meetings you have .  Instead of holding endless, agenda-less meetings, opt for perhaps the most stripped down - meeting option available .  That would be the standup meeting .  Standup

Same Old, Same Old: How to Get Referrals from Attorneys in Your Practice Area

Lawyers tend to b uild a high percentage of their revenue out of referral marketing done with other lawyers .  There’s nothing wrong with that .  But, there may be gaps in what you’re doing.     Generally speaking , lawyer-to-lawyer referral marketing is focus ed on finding someone with a complementary practice are a , who can refer you cases, and to whom you can refer cases back .  Usually, you’re looking for someone with a different practice niche, eg – a criminal attorney sending w ork to an immigration lawyer.   But, even inside of niches, you can make referrals.     Let’s look at some examples: Estate planning attorneys can refer cases if one takes taxable estate work, and the other does not .  Personal injury attorneys can refer cases to each other, if one doesn’t litigate .  Family law attorneys can refer cases to each other if one is an estate planning attorney, and the other is a divorce lawyer .   A more experienced attorney may refer less complicated cases

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once: Lead Tracking Can Be for Anything Now

With the ubiquity of cloud software and sophistication in legal marketing on the rise, there is not a single thing you can’t track as a law firm, when it comes to marketing.     First off, every web marketing campaign, from SEO to social media ads, come with identifiable criteria, that allows attorneys to track for ‘lead sources ’, as well as for specific marketing campaigns .  You can even track phone calls via lead source and campaign, using a software like Call Rail .   Now, even if you do get walk-ins, who have no attachment to the internet whatsoever, in having come in to see you – you can still capture that data online/electronically, by using an intake form or a chat, to have the lead complete on their smartphone, on a tablet, or with the assistance of your staff.   Just ask them how they found you, and give them lots of options across default or custom form fields.     So, if you’re thinking that it’s really tough to determine return on investment for your marketing effor