The Strong Silent Type: Password Managers Bridge the Gap Between Convenience and Security

Do you reuse the same passwords over and over again? Or, do you find yourself creating ever simpler passwords, so they’re easier to remember? Do you instead use really complicated passwords that you keep on sticky notes around the office? In the short run, th ese are easy solution s to password management; but, in the long term, it’s a security loophole that’s bound to come back to bite you. The intersection between personal convenience and data security is a password manager. With a password management tool , you select a master password for your account, then choose passwords for each of your othe r accounts -- and the password manager will prefill all of those other passwords for you , which will allow you to create passwords that are hypercomplex, without the necessity for memorizing them. For example, if you’ve logged into your password manager, when you navigate to your Dro...