Paper Tiger: The Best Way to Start Scanning Your Documents

If you ever want to stop practicing law, and become a business management consultant, here’s how you do it: When lawyers ask you about going paperless, recommend the Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500 . It is, hands-down, the best scanner for law firms on the market; and, in over a decade of consulting work, I’ve never had a single complaint about it. It’s fast, it’s wireless, it works on both PCs and Macs, it’s portable and it comes with PDF conversion software. This version of the ScanSnap is under $500, and you can usually find discounts online, at sites like New Egg . If you want to go paperless, but have been stymied by figuring out what hardware you need to get started, now you’ v e got your answer. This is not a product pitch, and I’ve never received a penny from Fujistu -- i t’s just my opinion, backed by long experience. However, if you find that the ScanSnap ix500 does not suit your needs, there are ot...