Space, the Final Frontier: Office Space Options Continue to Proliferate for Attorneys

A decade ago, lawyers had just one option for office space: a traditional lease. That’s a costly option, of course, and can be a barrier to entry, especially for young lawyers, looking to start new law firms. It’s also a scary, long-term commitment, potentially for up to f ive years, for any law firm. Fortunately, there are now more office space options than you can shake a stick at. Due, in large part, to the rise of cloud-based technology, lawyers can now work at home , exclusively . Modern consumers care less and less where attorneys work, and that means that lawyers don’t need an expensive downtown address, in the way that they used to need an expensive downtown address. Instead of an office lease, you can get your mail in a big city to acquire a big city address , and talk to your clients via video conferencing. . . . And, get them to sign documents using ...