Work Out: Does Your Law Firm Have a Remote Work Policy?

Most law firms are distributed businesses, at this point , to some degree . T he way that people work has be en changed forever. That, in part, means that working from home will become more accepted in the law firm environment, and a larger part of every lawyer’s workday. What the pandemic has exposed is that there are significant advantages to working from home , many of which are centered around cost savings, including: the reduction of a physical office footprint, the move to cloud services and a reduction in commuting costs and times for employees and staff. One of the reasons that law firms have not more fully engaged remote work/distributed workforces, is because there are no rails around that process. So, it makes sense, now more than ever, for law firms to develop formalized work from home policies, as part of their larger policies and procedures manuals. (Of course, if your law firm doesn’t already have a policies & procedures...