Paperless in a Pinch: How to Get There from Here

By now, the vast majority of law firms want to run paperless offices; the problem is often figuring out the logistics -- especially for law firms with decades of history (and files) behind them. T he most daunting question is often how to get started. So, let’s talk about how you can get paperless, even with a pile of paper behind you. This is the playbook: (1) If necessary, audit your files. Organize by year, then by client, then by matter. (2) Collect any files that were closed more than 8 years earlier. If you have previously gotten permission/consent from your clients to dispose of those files, do so in a confidential manner. If you haven’t, contact the clients associated with those files, and ask them whether they wish to retrieve them or receive them. (If they do, it usually means more business for the law firm, as past clients tend to generate new referrals in this context.) O...