One Entry to Rule Them All: It’s Time to Ditch Your Old School Time and Billing System

Many law firms still operate with pen - and - paper time and billing system s ; but, that’s like a recipe for losing money. Of course , there’s no time like the present to change your ways, and recapture more of the money you make. There are two moves you can apply, in short order, to revise your time and billing practices , that will combine to change your (work) life: (1) Move to a single-entry system for billing; (2) Get a law practice management software system in place. The first maneuver is something that lawyers are traditionally reticent to do, because it seems to place more work in their laps : rather than handwriting time capture notes and submitting them to a secretary, attorneys are instead inputting their own time capture data into a time capture software directly . That process only happens once (not twice, like when you write down your time, and then have your secretary convert it to another system), and thereby reduces the likelihood f...