Free Ride: What Are You Trying to Accomplish with Your Initial Consultations?

Law firms often offer initial consultations, because that’s what law firms do . But, thinking a little more deeply about the purpose for your initial consultations makes some sense. There is still a lot of debate in legal over whether you should be offering free o r paid consultations . And, it’s a l egitimate question . But, it’s also a question that depends on your purpose for providing consultations in the first place. If you want your consultations to be a separate, additional revenue stream -- then, of course, you charge as much as you can, without much regard for conversion . If you want to get access to as many potential clients as you can, and are just seeking a way to vet them more effectively – then, yes: you probably reduce your charges, and take more calls . Or, set up free consultations . Many startup law firms, for example, will not charge for consults , in part, because new attorneys want to talk to as...