This Is The Time: Creating New Habits Is About Commitment

Everybody loves a good shortcut. Seriously, who hasn’t considered skipping the hard parts in the marathon of life? Change is hard, oftentimes necessary . So, we spend a significant part of our lives trying (and failing) to instill new habits . And, that includes work habits. Most fail in this regard for two reasons: They try to bite off more than they can chew, or they don’t stick with it long enough . Lawyers gonna lawyer. The solution to this problem is relatively s imple : Start with a smaller goal, and work longer at it. I know, I know . That sounds almost too easy; but, it works. The fact is that, to really instill a new habit effectively, it take s more like 2/3 of a year, not a week or a few. So, rather than setting a goal of revising your entire law firm marketing program, instead focus on mastering one component of it . If you want to get b...