Closing Time: Lawyers Are Great at Closing Business, But Need to Get There Faster

Most attorneys are phenomenal when it comes to closing business . If coffee is for closers , they’re awash in the stuff. And, most attorneys will tell you that: they know it, they acknowledge i t , they own it . Most of the lawyers I talk to will tell me that, ‘If I can get someone on the phone, I can close them ’. I would be t that most lawyers close leads in to the high 70s, if I had to sign a percentage to it. That’s pretty damn good. But, that ‘if’ is a big one; and, the place where most law firms stumble is getting leads to the consultation/closing meeting. Law firms don’t pick up the phone regularly; and, they don’t respond to voicemails . Same goes for contact form and intake form submissions . Consumers are impatient . So, if a law firm is not immediately responsive, they’re already on to the next option . So, the problem is, really, that lawyers never get to the clos...