Visual Aid: Workflow Management Can Be Different Now

Law firms have developed workflows in much the same way for years and years . And, those are standard task lists, with timekeepers and reminders attached . For someone who is trying to learn a workflow – or , even , to better understand them – that can be kind of daunting . Like : ‘Hey , learn this new thing’ – and: Wall of Text! Now, most people are visual learners . And, the text-based model for workflow management doesn’t work for everybody. Fine, okay . But, what’s the alternative? Video is a good option : it’s the most visual of formats . And, for visual learners, it’s a bonanza + the easiest way to learn. And, there are a million different ways to create video content (phone, tablet . . . camcorder?) , as well as an equally significant number of methods for publishing video (including privately) via media like YouTube and Vimeo. But, perhaps the best option ...