Get That Bag: How to Build a Collection Process for Your Law Firm

Law firm account s receivable can be gnarly, sometimes extending into the six figures . Now, there are a couple of responses to that . The preferred option is to eliminate accounts receivable altogether, which can be done using epayment options, and potentially evergreen retainers combined with stop work order s . Of course, you may not ever get to 100% collection rates – that’s a tall order – and, you may have some accounts receivable to deal with already . And so, you’ll need to establish a collection process – and, that should flow from your engagement agreement. The components relating to money that you need in your engagement agreement, aside from your rate(s) and/or basis of your rates, would be: An escalating series of penalties for non-payment . An arbitration clause, potentially including access to a state bar’s fee arbitration board . That stop work order . This will allow you to put pressure on non-pay...