Respect the Process: Clients Desire to Know How It All Works

Law firms have a particularly hard time with lead intake. It costs time and money to acquire leads in the first place, to the point where it’s devastating to whiff on those leads, once you have a chance to convert them. Even when law firms effectively engage leads and are responsive in contacting them back, oftentimes they don’t say the right thing, and therefore fail in transitioning the lead to a client. One of the chief reasons for that is that lawyers are unwilling to respond to what clients most want to know. Because clients choose lawyers based not only on their general expertise, but also based on their specific expertise in particular niche practice areas, they want to know more about the legal process that effects their claim. Only, lawyers are reticent to talk with leads about the legal process for a couple of reasons: (1) they’re worried about overstepping ethical bounds; and, (2) they’ve been taught not to ‘give away the farm’, ...