Google Your Business: How to Use and Improve Your Google Business Profile

If you don’t use, or haven’t optimized for , web directories, you’re missing out on a fantastic way to build your online brand. Online directories are great for building linkbacks to your website, a s well as for creating domain authority. There are a number of free directories available to lawyers, but none has the immense reach and distribution of the Google Business P rofile. If you haven’t yet claimed your Google B usiness P rofile, do it yesterday, since it’s an online billboard advertisement for your law firm, and facilitates things like Google Reviews. It’s also free; and, you can’t beat that troika. If you have a Google Business Profile , and you’re not doing much with it, there is not a better time to start, as law firms must now focus more on their online presence than ever before. This is a comprehensive guide for better understanding your profile . This is about as easy a win as you can get. ...