Mac Daddy: Devices Don’t Matter Anymore

With more and more attorneys working from home, more and more attorneys are using multiple devices than ever before.  A common arrangement is to have a desktop at the office, and a laptop at home. 

That setup, of course, becomes a significant challenge when you’re using premise-based software, because that software lives only on a specific device.  So, if you work on email in a desktop application, and then open that same application on a laptop, you’re going to have some hoops to jump through before you can update for any changes you made.  This situation becomes more problematic when you are using your email to organize your files; that is a true subfoldering nightmare. 


Using cloud software instead wipes all of that difficulty away.  Since cloud software is accessed by a web browser, rather than through a premise-based desktop program, that means that you can access the same software, with the same information, anywhere you have a secure internet connection.  That means that cloud software looks the same no matter what device you use it on, including mobile (like your smartphone); and, updates are made instantaneously, for any user of the software, including all of your staff.  Kiss manual updates goodbye.  You can now work from anywhere you want, on any device you’d like. 


If you manage your law firm using email (productivity software), try Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, both of which are cloud-based softwares that will ramp up your efficiency in a hurry.  


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If you need to make it so that your productivity suite is actually productive, we can help. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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