Awards Season: Lawyer Superlatives Are Great and All, But You Need More Than That to Convince Clients

Lawyers are great at bragging on themselves via their websites . And, a significant number of attorneys supplement that with ‘ superlatives’ . You know, those lawyer a wards, like ‘Super Lawyers ’ , that you can apply for and/or purchase . Those specific awards, and the general superlatives of your own resume , go a long way to convince leads to become your clients -- but, those don’t get you the whole way the re. You see, while legal consumers do want to know that you’re a ‘good’ lawyer, generally speaking -- they also want to know that you can help them with their specific case s . Legal consumers know they have a legal problem, but don’t understand the legal process . Those consumers who want to hire a lawyer -- they really, really want to hire a lawyer . They need a guide; they need to understand that you, the lawyer, understand (and can walk them through) a legal process they just don’t get. If you’re a ‘Su...