Preach What You Practice: Practice Area Pages are Essential to Law Firm Website Design

Lawyers like to practice law; they don’t like to create contentUnfortunately, that’s a big deal when it comes to marketingBecause it’s harder for content to resonate with potential clients when lawyers aren’t building it themselves, using their expertiseLawyers who focus on content, however, can crush their competition, in part by reducing marketing overhead significantly. 

One place lawyers don’t put enough emphasis, in terms of content development, is in the design of website practice area pagesMany lawyers draft super generic contentBut, realize that potential clients are coming to you because they want your expertise, and because they want to learn more about the legal processYou can cement that early impression of you-as-the-expert by improving the practice area pages that your potential clients will gravitate to when they visit your websiteIn order to increase your chances of converting clients, you should focus on making those practice area pages sing. 


How do you do that? 


-Create narrative descriptionsFocus on telling the story of what you do, rather than building out a series of generic platitudes. 


-Offer real information about how cases progress in your field, including timelinesYou’re not promising results, just offering potential clients an idea about what to expect. 


-Answer some common questions that your leads will haveYou know the questions you get most regularly from new clientsAdd answers on your practice area pages. 


-Consider search terms, keywords and keyphrases that potential clients will use to search for your practice online, to make your practice area pages more SEO-friendly. 


-Add compelling imagery to your pages to increase engagement with your content. 


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Need help building your expertise onlineWe can assist! 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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