Window Dressing: A Client Portal Is the Next Step in Attorney-Client Relations

These days, most law firms have invested in a law practice management software solution – that’s a relational database organized around matters ; and, it helps law firms to better organize their cases . Law practice management, or case management, software often becomes the business software hub for lawyers that adopt it. Most modern law practice management softwares now include ‘ client portals ’ , which allow law firms to share information with clients , via the software, through a secure platform . Lawyers add information to the client portal; and, clients access the information by creating a unique login and password to the portal . For the law firms, this is an effective and easy way to gather and share data with clients . But, it’s also inherently more secure than using email for the same purpose, because that data never leaves the law practice management system – whereas email messages (including their content) may be exposed, as they pas...