Window Dressing: A Client Portal Is the Next Step in Attorney-Client Relations

These days, most law firms have invested in a law practice management software solution – that’s a relational database organized around matters; and, it helps law firms to better organize their casesLaw practice management, or case management, software often becomes the business software hub for lawyers that adopt it. 

Most modern law practice management softwares now include client portals, which allow law firms to share information with clients, via the software, through a secure platformLawyers add information to the client portal; and, clients access the information by creating a unique login and password to the portalFor the law firms, this is an effective and easy way to gather and share data with clientsBut, it’s also inherently more secure than using email for the same purpose, because that data never leaves the law practice management system – whereas email messages (including their content) may be exposed, as they pass through various servers on the way to their final destinationData accessible via the client portal never goes to transit, and remains encrypted the entire time. 


Law firms can add branding, share notifications, documents, invoices and more, via a client portalTruly, almost any client interaction can take place through this media.  And, some lawyers love client portals so much, they direct all client communication to that spot – even including a clause in the engagement agreement reflecting that. 


So, if you’re not using a law practice management software, check out the optionsAnd, if you’re already using one, consider the client portal as an efficient and effective communication platform for your clients. 


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If you’re looking to enter the client portal, we can help. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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