
Showing posts from October, 2024

Stand in the Place Where You Are: Meet Less, Get More Out of It

No one likes meetings; and, that includes lawyers who manage other attorneys, or staff .  I hear about it all the time: too many meetings, too much wasted time.     Well, there are at least a couple of ways that law firms can reduce meetings and meeting time.     The first is to lean into technology, to reduce the need for certain meetings .  If you can delegate work effectively , and add workflows to softwares , you won’t need to hold as many status meetings (or, you may be able to eliminate them entirely) – because, you will always have a window into upcoming , completed and overdue tasks, via dashboards visible across a number of task management software s .  Do it right . . . and, you’ll never have to host a case review meeting ever again.   The second thing you can do is to change the kind of meetings you have .  Instead of holding endless, agenda-less meetings, opt for perhaps the most stripped down - meeting option available .  That would be the standup meeting .  Standup

Same Old, Same Old: How to Get Referrals from Attorneys in Your Practice Area

Lawyers tend to b uild a high percentage of their revenue out of referral marketing done with other lawyers .  There’s nothing wrong with that .  But, there may be gaps in what you’re doing.     Generally speaking , lawyer-to-lawyer referral marketing is focus ed on finding someone with a complementary practice are a , who can refer you cases, and to whom you can refer cases back .  Usually, you’re looking for someone with a different practice niche, eg – a criminal attorney sending w ork to an immigration lawyer.   But, even inside of niches, you can make referrals.     Let’s look at some examples: Estate planning attorneys can refer cases if one takes taxable estate work, and the other does not .  Personal injury attorneys can refer cases to each other, if one doesn’t litigate .  Family law attorneys can refer cases to each other if one is an estate planning attorney, and the other is a divorce lawyer .   A more experienced attorney may refer less complicated cases