Change the Channel: Get Your Social Media Profiles Up and Running

Modern law firm consumers seek out and engage with law firms in new ways.  Younger law firm customers, especially, look less and less to other persons for referrals -- which in-person referrals have traditionally driven law firm revenue -- but, they’re not necessarily searching exclusively on Google any longer, either.  With the rise of mobile search, many modern legal consumers are performing ‘in-app’ searches for professional services -- such that, if they want to find a lawyer, they’re going direct to LinkedIn, or Facebook, or Twitter, etc.  So, if your law firm is still focused exclusively on Google search ranking, and paying lots of money for privilege of ranking (kind of) highly, it’s time to consider the expansion of your marketing efforts.

Not that it’s ever been a good idea to focus on just one outlet for marketing your business.  It’s made sense to diversify before; but, it’s getting to be paramount now.  So, if you haven’t yet even set up social media profiles, it’s past time.  If you have set up social media profiles, and don’t post to them, or engage with your followers, it’s high time you got going.  Much of marketing is remaining top of mind to potential clients and referral sources, and a slow and consistent drip of content and information is the best way to stay top of mind.  Social media is just one channel for publicizing your expertise; but, it’s becoming an increasingly important one. 


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If your social media presence needs a little work, we can get you up to speed. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys now have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business


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