Flatlining: How to Immediately Reduce Your Law Firm Overhead

If you haven’t examined your budget lately, I bet I can nevertheless predict how you can eliminate a good deal of your overhead.  And, it’s a pretty simple solution: Convert to cloud services wherever you can. 


Look, nothing blows up a law firm budget like an unexpected technology expense.  And, one of the biggest big ticket expenses is replacing a busted server.  Of course, that doesn’t even touch the consistent overpays law firms make by continuing to maintain a server, housed in valuable office space, that they need to pay to keep cool and which needs to be tended to by expensive IT personnel.  You can cut those costs tomorrow by eliminating your server, and switching to cloud technology.  I guarantee you: everything you need a server for now, could be accessed by a terminal server, that someone else pays for you.

Because that’s all the cloud is: You’re renting server space from a vendor who’s in turn renting server space from another vendor.  But, in addition to the cloud offering you the opportunity to offload hardware and maintenance costs, cloud services also flatten your costs.  Because cloud technology is paid for by monthly subscription, you’ll know exactly what your technology costs will be each month. 
Not only will that allow you to save money in the abstract, you’ll now have more predictable overhead.  And, you can start using that money in other places . . . like marketing for more clients, so you can make even more money. 


See that, I just fixed your budget. 

. . . 


If your budget is out of hand, we can help you rein it back in. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys now have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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