Room at the Top: How to Stay Top of Mind

Marketing is often more subtle than people think.  It’s usually more about creating and maintaining subtle methods for extending brand awareness than anything else.  If you can stay ‘top of mind’, by figuring out ways to regularly disseminate information to potentially interested parties, then it becomes more likely that potential clients will find you, and existing clients and referral sources will send new clients your way.  Most businesspeople, including most lawyers, already know that this is kind of a subliminal game;  the challenge is putting yourself in a position to be recognized as an appropriate solution when a potential law firm client or referral source is seeking a legal service provider to use or recommend.

Here are three ways, then, to stay top of mind: 


Publish an eNewsletter.  If you produce any kind of content for your law firm, this is a great place to highlight it.  Being top of mind is more about getting your brand in front of people, than it is about them actually getting those people to do a deep dive into your resources; and, an enewsletter is perfect for that.  Your brand can flash across the eyes of a potential client or referral source, while you’re simultaneously offering the opportunity to access some of your best content -- just in case the desire is there to review it.  By collecting emails aggressively, and creating email lists dedicated to specific contact categories (e.g. – existing clients, referral sources, colleagues), you maximize your chances to acquiring new business. 


Build a Bigger Social Media Profile.  With the prevalence of mobile devices, more consumers are bypassing traditional search tools (like Google), and looking for information directly through apps.  Couple that with the fact that more and more potential law firm clients are doing their own searches for legal service providers, rather than asking for personal recommendations, and it’s clear that your alternate client acquisition channels cannot be ignored or neglected any longer.  And, social media is a legitimate acquisition channel for law firms, in this environment.  The idea is to extend your reach across multiple channels; and, if the appropriate notion is to fish where the fish are . . . well, there are a bunch of people on social media, right? 


Throw a Party.  I know, law firms + parties?  Not the first thing you think of.  But, as the country begins to reopen, if you want to get people out to meet you, on your own terms, put on a bash, open a bar, create a fun contest and a giveaway, and let the good times roll.  If you want to make more of your personal networking efforts, in a way in which you can feel comfortable, plan your own event, the way you want, and let the people come to you.  And, if you can’t think of a reason to celebrate, you’re probably just not being creative enough: Revise your website Plan a soiree.  Win a big case Throw a fete.  Hire a new associate Party like it’s 1999. 


Be memorable, and stay memorable. 


. . . 


If you’re having trouble staying top of mind, we can help. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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