Hire Logic: How Law Firms Tend to Hire

Every lawyer I’ve ever met wants to do everything on their own.  In other words, every lawyer secretly desires to be a solo attorney.  Of course, there comes a time when your business grows to the point that you need some real help; and, since you can’t clone yourself, it’s necessary to hire. 

Many attorneys who start to hire want to do so as cheaply as possible; and, that often means, in addition to probably not offering substantial benefits (or, maybe opting for a contractor), that lawyer will hire another attorney or paralegal or legal assistant with little to no experience.  The low salary is appealing, as is the presumed clean slate being offered: you can train someone up now, exactly the way you want to.  But, that line of thinking can be replete with holes.  In the first instance, this notion of law firm training is more theory than practice -- as this purported intensive training for attorneys and paralegals and legal assistants doesn’t really ever materialize beyond dumping a computer in front of someone, and having them figure it out.  Neither are law firms good at instituting workflows that streamline business processes.  Furthermore, cheaper is not always better, as more experienced staff can require less training, tend to work faster and more efficiently, and may not have received inferior training at a prior job that would required a revamping of their work style.  Plus, more experienced attorneys and staff can bill out at higher rates. 


So, when you’re filling out a job description, don’t automatically opt for the shortest experience possible. 


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Need help hiring?  We can get you there. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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