Lead and Follow(up): What Do You Do with Potential Clients Who Don't Convert

What happens when you don’t convert a leadFor most law firms, the answer is a resounding: absolutely nothing. 


But, just because a potential client doesn’t convert immediately, that doesn’t mean that you’ve lost that opportunity forever.  Legal consumers who reach out to law firms aren’t always ready to sign up right away, for a number of reasons.  That doesn’t mean that those folks will never want to use your legal services -- even if most attorneys treat that as a final answerEven if lawyers would like another crack at those non-converting clients, they don’t do anything about it; most will never contact that lead again. 

In order to give yourself another bite at the apple for leads who don’t convert the first time, you need to be able to develop a remarketing strategyThere is significant value in someone’s willingness to provide you with their contact information, and if you don’t access it, you’re leaving that value on the tableEven if that potential client never ends up converting, there may still be the opportunity to access referrals from those leads. 


There are any number of ways you can remarket to leads, but probably the easiest is by building an email marketing programGet your contact list together, and upload it to a service like MailChimp or ConstantContact, add the new leads to that system, and push a client alert or enewsletter every month or quarterSimply by getting touches on those contacts, you remind them of what you do, and of your availability as a service providerIf you’d like, you can segment those contacts, so that you can differentiate your messaging to lost leads versus former clients versus referral sources. 


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If you want to know what to do with all those lost contacts, we can help you build a strategy to find new value. 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business.


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