Cadence: Better Law Firm Management Through Repetition

Routine is so . . . ‘routine’? 


The notion of slipping into a routine has lots of negative connotations: it’s boring, it’s stultifying, it lacks creativityOftentimes, routine and ‘rut’ are used interchangeably. 


A routine is something to climb out of, not to get into. 


But, if you run a business, especially a law firm . . . a good routine may be all you need. 


Stagnation is a problem with law firms; but, that’s largely because they stick to a systemless model, that ends up being the antithesis of routineAnd, honestly: most lawyers don’t want to set up systems, because they’re worried about being boredThey like the challenge, the intellectual stimulation, of untangling thorny legal issuesPutting systems into place seems so  . . . ‘routine?’ 


But, this isn’t an either/or proposition. 


You can still work on the cases that you love; and, setting up systems actually allows you to spend more time on substantive work, since your underlying office processes will run more smoothly. 


What kind of systems should you consider? 


-Creating an intake system, with robust automation. 

-Adding a billing program that nets you more consistent revenue. 

-Building case workflows that allow you to manage deadlines and outputs, so you can develop compelling strategies. 


. . . 


If you want to start systematizing across your law practice, we can help! 

Through a unique partnership between the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar and Jared Correia’s Red Cave Law Firm Consulting, Maine attorneys have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discounted rate. 

To get started, visit Red Cave’s landing page for Maine attorneys, and start running your law practice like a business. 


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